In January 2022, Karla Jackson celebrated ten years with Ernst Capital. She joined our team in 2012, starting in asset management and investment sales. She now runs our commercial real estate brokerage and works with many investors on their private equity investments.

What does a typical day look like for you?
Evolving! My husband John and I have two children, so our days have started very early for many years! Most days include school preparation, homework and school projects, tennis practice and whatever each new day brings. On my way into the office, I usually make a check-in call to our daughter who is in her first year of college. The office schedule is a blend of meeting clients and working on real estate transactions. After work activities include working out, walking our dogs and with any luck, an evening cocktail!

Where is your hometown?
My hometown is Herreid, South Dakota and is located seven miles from the North Dakota border. With a population of 300 people, life moved at much slower pace! Herreid is also my dad’s hometown, so I grew up surrounded by a lot of family. My graduating class consisted of fourteen students – eleven boys and three girls. I learned how to fish and shoot a gun, which I still enjoy doing both. I don’t get back to Herreid very often but am thankful for the memories of growing up in a small town.

What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?
There are a few things that come to mind with this question. My favorite aspect of my role is meeting and working with clients over the years. I have had the privilege of meeting some great people. I also enjoy working on the real estate transactions. Each deal presents variety and obstacles to challenge me to look at things in a different way. Lastly, I enjoy being part of a small office surrounded by sincere, hard-working people. We support each other and make each other stronger and am thankful to be a part of this team!