In May 2022, Nick Gates celebrated ten years with Ernst Capital. He joined our team in 2012 and became a partner in 2015. Nick heads the firm’s due diligence review process. He also assists with regulatory compliance, deal structuring and management of our investment partnerships.

What is the most important thing you have learned in your current role? I have learned a lot during my time at Ernst Capital.  In college and even before that none of my educational experiences went very far into commercial real estate.  Much of my knowledge was from hands on experience and learning from the ground up after starting as a financial analyst.   However, attention to detail is the most important thing I developed while at Ernst Capital.

What do you and your family do for fun? I enjoy time outdoors, golfing or hanging out with my wife, Jenn, and sons, Remington & Maverick.  Remington loves going to the pool, learning to swim, having squirt gun fights with Dad, and being a ninja.  Jenn is a Senior Client Advocate with Marsh McClennan Agency.  In her free time, she loves to exercise on her Peloton bike, spend time at the pool, or go for a walk with our two dogs Indie and Sophie.